Se nos presenta el actual problema de encontrarnos con que las oficinas de extranjerías se encuentran colapsadas, y es por ello que pueden llegar a demorarse meses a la hora de conceder una cita para solicitud, renovación o modificación de tarjetas de residencia. | SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS, RENEWALS AND MODIFICATIONS OF RESIDENCE CARDS OF TELEMATIC FORM We are faced with the current problem of finding that the immigration offices are collapsed, and that is why they can take months to grant an appointment for the application, renewal or modification of residence cards. |
Existe la posibilidad de presentar la solicitud de residencia a través de la sede electrónica del ministerio, siempre y cuando cuenta con un certificado de firma digital. A continuación, les enumeraré todas aquellas autorizaciones admitidas para su presentación telemática:
| There is the possibility of submitting the residency application through the electronic headquarters of the ministry, as long as it has a digital signature certificate. Next, I will list all those authorizations admitted for your telematic presentation:
If you are interested in any of these procedures, due to time problems you do not have an appointment, and you want a professional to handle your application / renewal / modification of residence card telematically, do not hesitate to contact “Maley Lawyers ”. We will be happy to assist you and solve your problem. |